What makes ISI (Pakistan) the best intelligence agency in the world?

I am humble and proud, at the same time, to have known the organization. My Indian friends would never accept the fact that ISI has been the world number one intelligence agency in the world (by the grace of Allah swt) for understandable reasons. And I will tell you why it is so. However, they have to taste it from their own backyard.

There are 190+ countries in the world and every country has it’s own intelligence agency who work for the protection of their country and there are only few countries who have world top best intelligence agencies as ISI is one of the Top intelligence agency. Well every country thinks that they have world top intelligence agency but there is something which make distinction between other agencies. Let’s see which factors make ISI world Top Intelligence Agency int the world:

Excellent Performance in Limited Budget:

The First and basic thing which make ISI world no.1 agency in the world is that they always give their best in any circumstances. They perform excellent even in their limited budget. As their Agent is selfless and highly motivated to defend their motherland and for this they always ready to sacrifice their life and when they got such a situation they prefer death over capture. They always keep their secrets in their heart and never disclose this in any condition.

Trap to Arrest Terrorist Kalbhoshan Yadev:

The ISI once again prove their excellent skills and expertise when they found Kalbhoshan Yadev doing suspicious activities in Balochistan Pakistan so they start monitoring him and found some surprising information about his whole terrorist network. They know their true identity and found and his fake jewlery business in Chahbahar Iran. They Set the bait and watch him when he trap into it as Kalbhoshan Yadev come to Balochistan in March 2017 to provide to provide money and arms to the insurgents in Balochistan So he got arrested and send message monkey is caught.

Arrest of Raymond Davis and Busted Black Water Network:

The Black Water start operating in Pakistan when they got instant visas from Dubai despite agencies objection letter but still govt issue visas to the US without security clearance. Raymond Davis was also one of the Black Water Agent who was on special mission as he was constantly track and monitored and when he killed two Pakistani Innocent Youth he was instantly arrested. The US admitted that Black Water was operated in Pakistan as US give him diplomatic cover and also provide assurance to Pakistan that Raymond will be trial in US courts and will be awarded rigorous sentence if found guilty.

ISI role in Elimination of Terrorism in Pakistan:

The ISI break the backbone of Raw funded TTP and throw them into the hell as it was only possible through ISI direct and accurate information as they found Indian Currency and US Dollars from TTP official who arrested in the operation Zarb-e-Azab. Pakistan Army successfully cleared South and North Waziristan and create peace in the region and people start economic activities as Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Sports Centres were developed by Pakistan Army to ensure long lasting and eternal peace in both agencies.

ISI is not the world's best intelligence agency, but no scale exists to accurately judge as to which agency is REALLY the best.

  • In technology, it's the US CIA, NSA, NRO
  • In general ruthlessness, it's the Russian GRU
  • In quiet, but effective work, it's the British (playing second fiddle to the US in technology) MI6 and GCHQ
  • In punching way above it's weight, it's the Israeli Mossad

In defeating the Soviets, extreme lack of transparency/accountability, it's the Pakistani ISI
… and so on
However, if we look at the ISI in light of the country and general neighborhood it belongs to, its history and its conpetence, we can say quite accurately that it is an agency which is worthy of a great world power if not a superpower.

The ISI does not benefit from the huge global outreach, cooperation and the huge budget and technical capabilities that the CIA or the NSA have. Yet, it has always relied on unpredictability, ruthlessness and a lack of transparency to triumph in whatever it is tasked to do.

The ISI's only overt face is its Director-General (the DG ISI) - always a serving Lieutenant General from the Pakistan Army. He oversees around a dozen divisions, of whose functions, responsibilities, capabilities and locations nothing is known.

It is this lack of any knowledge about the ISI's functions and capabilities that gives it an edge. The ISI has always been unpredictable in what it has done. A significant measure to ensure this unpredictability is to make sure that no DG ISI serves for more than 3 years.

And the ISI has not failed in preventing attacks on it's own country. It is largely due to the ISI's highly accurate targeting information that the armed forces' Intelligence-Bases Operations (IBOs) secured huge gains in such a short time and reduced terrorist activity and presence by more than 50%.

Now, I can write in details why it has acquired the status of “World’s best Intel agency”, “Most Dangerous Intel Agency” or simply “World’s Number One Intel Agency” but I won’t.. for certain reasons but I’d give you a feel of exactly why and how it’s world number one.

  • Orchestrating War theater in Afghanistan in 80s - USSR was destroyed.
  • Since 2000, NATO and, at least, 30 (total) and around 8–9 most lethal intelligence agencies joined together in Afghanistan under the pretext of war on terror with a covert mission to destabilize or redesign Pakistan before their next step of chaos in Middle East through their proxies AlQaeda and ISIS. Pakistan was the real target and India, for once, seriously thought to capitalize on this golden chance thinking that Pakistan has no chance to stand any more.
  • Pakistan not only stood tall and firm - head strong - but repelled all in the 14 years of most fierce and costly 4th generation war in the history of mankind. The fight was 1 Vs. 30 i.e. ISI vs. Global Allied Intelligentsia
  • Alhamdolillah - we won. They moved on to middle east.

Inter-Services Intelligence is inept yet considered the “best” rogue agency nationally and internationally. Anti-India activities is its primary focus but the resulting fallout has made Pakistan a global pariah. It is responsible for terrorism, espionage and murder throughout the world including Pakistanis in Pakistan. These are the ten best reasons why ISI is inept and rogue.

ISI or Inter-Services Intelligence is best known for perpetrating the 26/11 2008 Mumbai attacks.
In recent times, ISI is best known for not knowing Osama Bin Laden was living under its nose in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Conversely, ISI is also best known for hiding Osama Bin Laden but not knowing about the US attack and killing of the world’s best-known terrorist.
  • ISI is also best known for training militants and supporting terrorists to infiltrate into Afghanistan and India. The UN has sanctioned these groups and designated them as terrorist organizations; for example, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hizbul Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Haqqani network and others.
  • ISI is best known for the incubation and the birth of Taliban. The Taliban, supported by ISI, took over Afghanistan in 1994.
  • The ISI is best known for causing the loss of half of Pakistan’s territory. In conjunction with Jamaat-e-Islami, ISI formed the first Al-Badr who with the Pakistan Military massacred millions of East Pakistanis. East Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971.
  • ISI is best known for spying, torturing and killing its own countrymen. Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad, according to Amnesty International, was threatened, beaten up and finally killed by the ISI. ISI operative Mohammed Tasleem, an attache in the New York consulate, issued threats against Pakistanis living in the United States, to prevent them from speaking openly about Pakistan's government.
  • ISI is best known for using Inter-Services Public Relations as a propaganda tool undermining the Pakistan civilian government and democracy in the country.
  • Chinese national and ISI agent Xun Wang was accused of conspiring to exporting and re-exporting specially designed, high-performance epoxy coatings to the Chashma 2 Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan.
  • ISI operates as a state within a state. It is accountable to no one within Pakistan. People disappear and terrorists are created to do its dirty job. Thanks the ISI, Pakistan has become a world-class terrorist haven today!

All agencies fail — sometimes they are compromised, inflitrated, blindsided, poorly managed or sometimes they simply lose the foresight or the cautiousness. The ISI is not immune to this.

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