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Maulana Fazlur Rahman, the secretary general of the Islamic fundamentalist Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal and head of the Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam, has had a highly successful visit to India. But is there more to his visit than meets the eye?

The answer to these questions depends on whether the maulana was in India off his own bat or whether he was playing a deeper role in India-Pakistan relations. If he was here of his own accord, then the maulana’s aim seemed to have been to send two important signals. To the Americans he seemed to be saying that he was a moderate even if he were opposed to General Pervez Musharraf. To the Indian Muslims he said that Kashmir is an issue which needs resolution but that it was essentially a distraction to the larger role that south Asian Muslims must seek. The whole projection of his persona seemed to suggest that after 9/11, the leadership of Muslims can no longer come from west Asia but from this region.

The petrodollar-driven leadership of the Muslims of the world has been discredited. The other leading Muslim countries of west Asia have either resigned themselves to American hegemony or, like Iran, are seeking to avoid collision with it. The leadership of the Muslim umma (brotherhood) cannot come from Indonesia or Africa. It must come from south Asia. Or so the logic goes. For this to happen, the India-Pakistan conflict must be resolved — the civilizational conflict of Islam is not with India but with the United States of America.

However, this is only one way of looking at Maulana Fazlur Rahman’s visit. There could be a more interesting hypothesis — that Maulana Fazlur Rahman came to India with the explicit consent of both Islamabad and that of the Indian leadership. Consider the facts of the maulana’s visit — although facts are stranger than fiction in India-Pakistan relations.

The prime minister of India refuses to meet Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, his Pakistani counterpart, or General Pervez Musharraf; he even refuses to meet the leaders of the All Party Hurriyat Conference who are no terrorists. But he finds time to meet Maulana Fazlur Rahman, a known jihadi leader. It is no secret that the maulana helped father the taliban movement and provided ideological impetus to the Deobandi paramilitary organization, Harkat-ul-Ansar (later renamed Harkat-ul-Mujahideen). His anti-American statements and activities have resulted in restrictions being placed on his travel to the US. But ostensibly uncaring of US sentiments, Atal Bihari Vajpayee agrees to meet the maulana at home.

Vajpayee then goes a step further. He confirms his participation in the south Asian association for regional cooperation summit to the maulana, the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, rather than to the host of the summit — the government in Islamabad.

And to top it all, Vajpayee chooses the biggest detractor of Jamali to send him a letter — as if the restored diplomatic channels between the two countries were not a reliable enough means of delivering it.

Now consider some equally strange facts from the other side of the border. There is nothing unusual about the leader of the opposition being briefed by the foreign office before a visit abroad. But Maulana Fazlur Rahman is briefed by the entire Pakistani establishment — including the Inter-Services Intelligence and General Pervez Musharraf.

Once in India, the maulana voices opinions which are contrary to the official line of Pakistan. In Deoband, he tells fellow maulanas that Kashmir is not an Islamic issue but a dispute between two governments — just as the Indian Muslims stood by India, the Pakistani Muslims were firmly on the side of their government. He holds up the bilateral mechanism of the Simla agreement as the way forward. And then he surprises everyone by hinting that if the two governments and the Kashmiris agreed, a settlement may even be possible along the line of control.

When the maulana meets his counterparts, the Hindu taliban of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, he tells them that trade and economic links should be used to build confidence between the two countries. The meeting between the maulana and the RSS quite curiously is facilitated by those in the higher echelons of power in New Delhi. Before departure, the maulana even ends up condemning the recent instances of militant violence in Katra and the army camp at Tanda.

The maulana has often said in the Pakistani media that Kashmir was a bilateral issue and ought to be resolved under the Simla agreement. But to say things contrary to what Islamabad wants to hear in an “enemy country” is a very different proposition. Ask Najam Sethi, who described Pakistan as a “failed state” in a seminar in India and was promptly arrested on returning home.

When the maulana went back, he did not get the kind of roasting that Najam Sethi did. Even when he was in India, the Pakistani foreign office did not once attempt to rebut the maulana’s statements. In fact, the Pakistan high commission officials in New Delhi chaperoned him everywhere and even hosted a lunch in his honour.

On his return, the maulana was brave enough to say that the Kashmiri militants should not be expected to be armed for ever and that the people of Kashmir deserved to live in peace. He refused to retract any of his statements made in India. Yet, hardly anyone of any significance criticized him publicly. What is more, the maulana was invited by Jamali to the prime minister’s house where he briefed him about his productive visit. These facts make sense only if we assume that the maulana’s visit was being facilitated by both the Indian and the Pakistani establishments. And perhaps, lurking behind the scenes, were the Americans as well.

On the face of it, the maulana’s visit has achieved its aim. When those identified with extremist positions talk in moderate terms, the constituency for peace is broadened and the possibility of peace increases. In this sense, Maulana Fazlur Rahman has lighted a thousand candles for peace in both countries.

When as the secretary general of the hardline MMA, Maulana Fazlur Rahman expresses sane opinion on contentious issues, it strengthens those in Islamabad who want to make a serious attempt at brokering peace with India. Neither Musharraf nor Jamali could have said in India what the maulana said on Kashmir, on the Simla agreement or on a possible border settlement along the LoC. They would have been accused of selling out Pakistan’s interests. Now, after his visit, if these issues were to come on board, their legitimacy would increase.

Another objective of Maulana Fazlur Rahman’s visit seems to have been to open a dialogue with the Hindu hardliners. The maulana did well to impress upon Vajpayee the need to send parliamentarians from the Bharatiya Janata Party to Pakistan. In the event, the RSS will also be sending a delegation for an interaction with Pakistan’s political leadership.

If the extremist elements on both sides are helped to chip away at each other’s prejudices, they may even come to the conclusion that the future of the subcontinent lies in learning to live together. There are less chances then of the peace process between India and Pakistan being sabotaged. Whoever facilitates this process is doing a signal service to both India and Pakistan.

Published 31.07.03

Source Link: Telegraph

Intro: Purpose of this thread is to analyze the recent statement by the Prime Minister of Pakistan in which he claimed that the political wing of RSS known as BJP is following the ideology of Adolf Hitler/Nazism.

Thread will revisit the historical context of the statement in both theory & practice of RSS. It is a basically an old-school research based on existing historical evidence which proves that current regime of India is following the ideology of fascism till date.

All the well published evidences are furnished with references in the end of this thread. The later part will cover visual evidence including footages & interviews. So, I will only be sharing published work here nothing from my own.

The basic facts to know before we explore;

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, abbreviated as RSS is a paramilitary org. of volunteers which was founded in 1925.

BJP was founded in 1980 as its political wing (on the ideology of RSS).

Current PM of India is a lifelong member of RSS.

Foundation & Purpose

RSS today is the most influential org in Indian politics today.  RSS was founded in 1925 by a Hindu Congressman Keshav B. Hedgewar to achieve three objectives fight against British rule, Hindu unity, and to organise Hindus against Muslims & Christians.

It was the Indian unity of political spectrum in the support of Khilafat Movement against the British which made Hedgewar to oppose Gandhi. Though he did not part away from Congress but formed RSS to deal with the Muslim socio-political influence as stated above.

Pic: Hedgewar

It is pertinent to be acquainted with that Hedgewar was inspired by the V.D Savarkar who believed that Hindus are not only racially superior but also have the real stake in the region due to religious origin.

This inspired Hedgewar to form RSS ideologically.

Hedgewar set up the organization in Nagpur and started recruiting youth which was meant to be mobilized countrywide to peruse the 'agenda' of RSS. Activities of Sanghis included both theoretical and practical resistance against the above mentioned segments of the Indian society.

Teachings of Founding Fathers

There are mainly three characters who have inspired the RSS ideologically, V.D Savarkar, Keshav Hedgewar (1925-1940), and M.S. Golwalkar (1940-1973). Hedgewar translated the ideology of Savarkar while Golwalkar took it ultimate level of Nazism.

To understand the term of Hindutva, we need to look into the background of it. It was introduced by the ideological father of the founder of RSS. Savarkar was a convicted criminal turned racist, militant, Hindu supremacist, according to Hudson Institute of Research.

Savarkar was a great admirer of Hitler and Mussolini who were the symbol of Nazism and Fascism respectively in that era. He openly supported the agenda of racial supremacy and cultural nationalism.

The spiritual mentor/father of the RSS could not resist himself by merely supporting the Nazism of Hitler but he went on to suggest that Muslims in India deserves exactly what Hitler was doing to Jews in Germany.

Haven't you heard of 'Final Solution' recently as well?

Mentor of Savarkar also criticized the Indian political leadership for opposing the Nazism of Hitler in Germany, according to the Marzia Casolari, an Italian scholar who studied Indian politics, once wrote of RSS’ connections with European fascism.

While Savarkar inspired Hedgewar for racial supremacy of Hindus particularly Brahmans early on, Hedgewar took it to next level when Congress vouched for Hindu-Muslim unity on the issue of Khilafat Movement after World War I.

Hedgewar, the ideological son of Savarskar founded the RSS on the very foundation of Nazi ideology which was the racial supremacy via militancy. Mussolini's fascism was conceived as the institutional framework to unite Hindus against the minorities specially Muslims.

Hedgewar focused on laying the foundation for the future of RSS and in span of five years he was able to create a paramilitary force. He was able to expand in multiple states with ever-increasing Hindu nationalists inclusion including Golwalkar against Gandhism & minorities.

After the demise of Hedgewar in 1940, Golwalkar took charge of the RSS. He was perhaps the most outspoken admirer of the Nazism and extreme opponent of Gandhi's political views and vision for secular India.He supported Holocaust and perceived it as solution for Indian minorities.

Golwalkar also known as "Guru Of Hate", to many, cursed Mahatma Gandhi publically and declared him traitor of Hinduism after the partition of India as he believed Hindu had the right to rule Muslims after British.This led to the murder of the father of Independent India by RSS.

The murderer of Gandhi, Nathuram Godse is still celebrated as a national hero among Sangh Prevar (RSS Family). 
Here is another exhibit of how RSS Sanghis commemorate Mahatma Gandhi's Assassination. Guru Golwalkar must been proud of them now.

Gowalkar imported the whole symbolism from fascism & Nazism for ideology of Hindutva for local consumption.

Even the sign of Swastika was imported along with the tagline of Nazism.

RSS under Gowalkar opposed the tricolor flag to represent India officially. They believed that it is Hindu nation and our flag should be the symbol of Hindutva (Saffron) 🚩 instead of a democratic & secular nation.

Under Gowalkar, RSS demanded that the Constitution of India should be scrapped and formed on the ideology of Hindutva in which not only minorities but Hindu women would have subhuman status. 

Are you still wondering about the constitutional coup in Kashmir?

Role in Independence Movement

RSS refused to rebel against British colonialism in subcontinent in 'Quit India' Movement in 1942 just to avoid the wrath of British. It is notable that on one hand it was found to fight colonialism (1/3 objectives).

The current 'Mission Statement' of the RSS as available on its webpage despite mincing the words says it all. The oppression of minorities in India is the ultimate objective of RSS to achieve here through Hindutva. Mind you, by infiltrators RSS means both Muslims & Christians.

The admiration of the genocidal agenda of the Hitler is very much intact in the ideological foundation of RSS till date. This further exposes the agenda of Hindutva with minced words at its webpage.

Both Hitler & founding fathers of Hindutva believed in the "final solution"

RSS Bans

After the killing of Mahatma Gandhi, RSS was banned & declared terrorist outfit by Nehru govt in 1948. Then during the emergency (1975–77) and for a third time after the demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992.

NOTE: It was also banned in pre-Independent India by British.

The Translation of Nazism/Fascism on Ground By RSS.

  • Gandhi killed 
  • Babri Mosque 
  • Gujarat Massacre 
  • Communal Violence including lynching & rapes in the name of Love Jihad & Hindutva. 
  • The Illegitimate Kashmir Occupation by scrapping article 370

Modi Connection & RSS.

Modi writes in his biography that Hedgewar & Golwalkar were the ultimate inspiration for him after joining RSS in teenage.

Modi called Golwalkar the "Guru worthy of worship".

Now go tell me if PM @ImranKhanPTI is wrong...

PM IK's claim: Expansion & Impact of RSS

RSS from a its very foundation to till date has been able to reach out of the India. Early on, the purpose was to learn about structural militancy of fascism while today it is translating Hindutva in many countries with its franchises.


In 2018, a report suggests that it is the largest body of registered volunteers (Sanghis) in the world with the largest political entity (BJP) as well. As PM IK claimed that RSS is looking to go beyond borders with its Nazi agenda under various franchises.

Kashmir Connection & RSS:

In 2002 the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), demanded the state be divided into three parts: Hindu-majority Jammu state; the Muslim-majority Kashmir valley; plus union territory status for Ladakh.

It was promised by Modi.


Shridhar D. Damle and Walter K. Andersen, (2018). The RSS: A View to the Inside

Walter Anderson, (1972). The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh: I: Early Concerns. Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 589

Paul Marshall, (2004). Hinduism and Terror. Hudson Institute.
Britannica, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, HINDU AND INDIAN NATIONALIST

Jean A. Curran Jr. (1950) The RSS: Militant Hinduism. American Institute Of Pacific Relations

M. Casolari, (2007) Hindutva's Foreign Tie-Up in the 1930s: Archival Evidence
RSS Primer: Based on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Documents. Page 7-9

RSS. (2019). Know Us> Being a swayamsevak. 

Shrenik Rao, (2017). Hitler’s Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi-loving Nationalists. Haaretz.
Fascism: Theory and Practice, By Dave Renton, Page 108

Abdul Majid Zargar, (2018). RSS PROMOTING CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS. Kashmir Watch

Anahita Mukherji, (2015). Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ‘shakha’ spreads its wings to 39 countries. The Times Of India
If you are interested to explore more you can fetch those references from 1950 to till date as mentioned above. Such as this read below;

From here on, I shall start sharing the Visual evidence in form of Interviews & video packages regarding the Nazi-Hindutva ideology.

The Hitler of East has given the waves of inspirations to his Sanghis as Lynchings, racial discrimination, rape, and subjugation of marginalized communities are on rise like never before.

Son of Golwalkar has gone insane. 

“For us Modi means Mussolini, and Amit Shah means Hitler”. Indian students from minorities are saying this.
They know the historical context of correlation between Hindutva & Nazism.Time to wake up @UN,@BorisJohnson, @Potus & stop it. 


. "The RSS is a secretive, militaristic, masculine cult; a distinct Indian form of fascism & Its founders greatly admired Hitler and Mussolini."

In Modi's Gujarat, Adolf Hitler is glorified in secondary-school textbooks.


Paul Marshall, Senior Fellow, Center for Religious Freedom at Hudson Institute of Research describes the role of RSS, BJP, and CM Narendra Modi in the Massacre of Muslims in Gujarat in recent history.


I will be sharing an interview of ex RSS Spokesman & Secretary General of BJP Ram Madhav with Mehdi Hassan, 2015. He is now senior leader in Sangh Prevar. 

Introduction: #BlackDay15thAugust

Those intellectuals who returned the awards in protest against the increasing intolerance were defaming India. ~Ram Madhav

Ram Madhav on Beef Lynchings. The representative of Hindutva couldn't hide it. #BlackDay15thAugust

More on Beef Lynchings

A clueless fascist caught red-handed. 
The Hindutva Fascism exposed & all they have to say was smile shamelessly.


Mehdi took the General Secretary of BJP to cleaners.


Role of Neo-Nazi Modi in Gujarat Massacre & world.


According to Paul Marshall in Hudson Institute of Research, CM Modi during Gujarat Massacre asked RSS Sanghis to teach Muslims a lesson.

He was furious due to increasing population of Muslims as Mehdi quoted another BJP leader saying so. It is their ideology.


Mehdi exposing the Nazi Ideology of Modi which he inherited from the Golwalkar also known as Guru of Hate.

Secretary General of BJP caught lying through his teeth, he was denying something which was published on the webpage of RSS.


Ram Madhav of RSS/BJP translated that Golwalkar called minorities as threats mean challenges. Is there any other way to understand that Hindutva believe in fascism?

. "The RSS is a secretive, militaristic, masculine cult; a distinct Indian form of fascism & Its founders greatly admired Hitler and Mussolini."

In Modi's Gujarat, Adolf Hitler is glorified in secondary-school textbooks.


Paul Marshall, Senior Fellow, Center for Religious Freedom at Hudson Institute of Research describes the role of RSS, BJP, and CM Narendra Modi in the Massacre of Muslims in Gujarat in recent history.


I will be sharing an interview of ex RSS Spokesman & Secretary General of BJP Ram Madhav with Mehdi Hassan, 2015. He is now senior leader in Sangh Prevar. 

Introduction: #BlackDay15thAugust

Those intellectuals who returned the awards in protest against the increasing intolerance were defaming India. ~Ram Madhav

Ram Madhav on Beef Lynchings. The representative of Hindutva couldn't hide it. #BlackDay15thAugust

More on Beef Lynchings

A clueless fascist caught red-handed. 
The Hindutva Fascism exposed & all they have to say was smile shamelessly.


Mehdi took the General Secretary of BJP to cleaners.


Role of Neo-Nazi Modi in Gujarat Massacre & world.


According to Paul Marshall in Hudson Institute of Research, CM Modi during Gujarat Massacre asked RSS Sanghis to teach Muslims a lesson.

He was furious due to increasing population of Muslims as Mehdi quoted another BJP leader saying so. It is their ideology.


Mehdi exposing the Nazi Ideology of Modi which he inherited from the Golwalkar also known as Guru of Hate.

Secretary General of BJP caught lying through his teeth, he was denying something which was published on the webpage of RSS.


Ram Madhav of RSS/BJP translated that Golwalkar called minorities as threats mean challenges. Is there any other way to understand that Hindutva believe in fascism?

Ram Madhav the contemporary brain of RSS/BJP defining good will for Muslims to ensure their safety.

This blatant fascism #BlackDay15thAugust

Ram Madhav the senior leader of RSS/BJP on cultural supremacy.

This is a direct endorsement of the teachings of Savarkar, the founding mentor of RSS. Madhav believes that Taj Mahal is also part of Hindu culture because there is no other culture in India.


Mind you the socio-cultural supremacy was the very foundation of RSS's Ideology when it was founded in 1925, Nagpur.

Here is an another unfiltered example. This is CM of UP Yogi Adityanath, a life time member of RSS.


RSS is doing to Hindu religion what ISIS & AlQaeda has done to Islam. Says a British Indian.

Historically RSS has already been banned 4 times & declared terrorist outfit in Indian history as stated above.


Just look at this!!!

I mean how more obvious fascism could exist. If he had said that scriptures of minorities should be supported as Bhagvat Geeta, he would have not existed in RSS anymore & he knew it.


An Indian Muslim asks the leader of RSS/BJP why Muslims have to embrace Hindutva supremacy & why do you propagate that.

Madhav replies we propagate Hindutva in positive sense.


If you are still wondering why Neo-Nazi Modi have annexed the Kashmir through constitutional coup, here is the answer.

Leader of BJP/RSS defining the map of "Akhand Bharat" as it is available in RSS's Headquarters in Nagpur. IOK is just the beginning.


Here is more on Hindutva's vision for expansion. PM @ImranKhanPTI was spot on when he mentioned their ideology of Nazi expansion. 

The sitting CM of UP Yogi Adityanath of RSS/BJP sharing the ideology of Hindutva.


Derek O'Brian the Indian Parliamentarian after abrogation of Article 370 said in Parliament that BJP has thrown Indian constitution into dustbin.
He exposed the authoritarianism & Fascism of BJP/RSS brilliantly.


[yt src="IrFcE9fx7eM"]

Shashi Tharoor could forsee what was coming for Indian democracy if BJP goes to win 19' Elections.

This is exactly what is happening now. Narcissistic Modi has turned the biggest democracy of the world into a fascist Hindutva state.


Another fine example of how RSS/BJP's leadership urges Sanghis for cross-Communal social welfare. 

He is Yogi Adityanath currently the CM of UP. He is a life long member of RSS as well just like Modi.


Here are few testimonies by former senior RSS/BJP's Sanghis. They are exposing the systematic role of RSS's in Communal riots.

They are known to be the best riot engineers. Watch how Muslims are slaughtered in the name of Hindutva.


2nd part of the testimonies by Former senior RSS members.

How Hindutva engineers a communal riot in India.


Testimonies of Former senior RSS members exposes the peddling of a hateful image among Sanghis regarding Indian Muslim community. & how RSS gets away from any legal repercussions.


An Indian from Haryana responds to the Haryana's Chief Minister of BJP. CM of Haryana recently said now people of Haryana will bring girls from Kashmir to marry after the abrogation of Article 370.


The Impact of Hindutva on Law Enforcement.

Now, this Hindu girl was rescued by Policemen as she was about to being lynched by RSS Sanghis in the name of Love Jihad.
Then beaten by Police in the van saying why she partnered with a Muslim being a Hindu.

RSS Sanghis with law enforcement agencies doing a bit of social work in India in marginalized community.

Inclusive, shiny, secular etc etc


Just to put the record straight regarding the influence of Hindutva on Indian law & justice system. Here is the the brief summary shared by an Indian yesterday after the #PehluKhanVerdict whose murder was caught on camera but no justice served.


A blind old Muslim was stopped in a street by RSS's Sanghis to hold the flag of RSS and chant Jai Shri Ram.

This is the difference between Hinduism & Hindutva. No religion preaches hatred & subjugation.


Suzanna A. Roy, award winner author & political activist recalls the RSS's role in Gujarat Massacre of 2002.

This blatant fascism was incited by none other than the then Chief Minister of Gujarat Neo-Nazi Modi of RSS.


In Neo-Nazi Modi's India, a single Sanghi of RSS with a stick can beat a group of minority in India. The ideological sons of Hitler are in the haste of making the biggest democracy of the world a Hindutva fascist state.


Suzanna A. Roy, reciting the excrepts from Golwalkar's own book. The man who is the worthy of worship, according to Modi. The chief of RSS (1940-1973).

He demanded Muslims to surrender as sub-citizens with no rights in India. Otherwise Hindutva will do what Hitler did to Jews.

Suzanna A. Roy Introducing Neo-Nazi Modi to the audience.

She was spot on however RSS was founded in 1925 not 1927.


Honestly, I absolutely endorse her on this. The blatant Fascism/Nazism is not only endorsed by Sanghis but they don't even challenge the very narrative. Look under the tweet of PM Imran Khan. Not a single Sanghi had any rebuttal. Not even ashamed of it. 


I am humble and proud, at the same time, to have known the organization. My Indian friends would never accept the fact that ISI has been the world number one intelligence agency in the world (by the grace of Allah swt) for understandable reasons. And I will tell you why it is so. However, they have to taste it from their own backyard.

There are 190+ countries in the world and every country has it’s own intelligence agency who work for the protection of their country and there are only few countries who have world top best intelligence agencies as ISI is one of the Top intelligence agency. Well every country thinks that they have world top intelligence agency but there is something which make distinction between other agencies. Let’s see which factors make ISI world Top Intelligence Agency int the world:

Excellent Performance in Limited Budget:

The First and basic thing which make ISI world no.1 agency in the world is that they always give their best in any circumstances. They perform excellent even in their limited budget. As their Agent is selfless and highly motivated to defend their motherland and for this they always ready to sacrifice their life and when they got such a situation they prefer death over capture. They always keep their secrets in their heart and never disclose this in any condition.

Trap to Arrest Terrorist Kalbhoshan Yadev:

The ISI once again prove their excellent skills and expertise when they found Kalbhoshan Yadev doing suspicious activities in Balochistan Pakistan so they start monitoring him and found some surprising information about his whole terrorist network. They know their true identity and found and his fake jewlery business in Chahbahar Iran. They Set the bait and watch him when he trap into it as Kalbhoshan Yadev come to Balochistan in March 2017 to provide to provide money and arms to the insurgents in Balochistan So he got arrested and send message monkey is caught.

Arrest of Raymond Davis and Busted Black Water Network:

The Black Water start operating in Pakistan when they got instant visas from Dubai despite agencies objection letter but still govt issue visas to the US without security clearance. Raymond Davis was also one of the Black Water Agent who was on special mission as he was constantly track and monitored and when he killed two Pakistani Innocent Youth he was instantly arrested. The US admitted that Black Water was operated in Pakistan as US give him diplomatic cover and also provide assurance to Pakistan that Raymond will be trial in US courts and will be awarded rigorous sentence if found guilty.

ISI role in Elimination of Terrorism in Pakistan:

The ISI break the backbone of Raw funded TTP and throw them into the hell as it was only possible through ISI direct and accurate information as they found Indian Currency and US Dollars from TTP official who arrested in the operation Zarb-e-Azab. Pakistan Army successfully cleared South and North Waziristan and create peace in the region and people start economic activities as Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Sports Centres were developed by Pakistan Army to ensure long lasting and eternal peace in both agencies.

ISI is not the world's best intelligence agency, but no scale exists to accurately judge as to which agency is REALLY the best.

  • In technology, it's the US CIA, NSA, NRO
  • In general ruthlessness, it's the Russian GRU
  • In quiet, but effective work, it's the British (playing second fiddle to the US in technology) MI6 and GCHQ
  • In punching way above it's weight, it's the Israeli Mossad

In defeating the Soviets, extreme lack of transparency/accountability, it's the Pakistani ISI
… and so on
However, if we look at the ISI in light of the country and general neighborhood it belongs to, its history and its conpetence, we can say quite accurately that it is an agency which is worthy of a great world power if not a superpower.

The ISI does not benefit from the huge global outreach, cooperation and the huge budget and technical capabilities that the CIA or the NSA have. Yet, it has always relied on unpredictability, ruthlessness and a lack of transparency to triumph in whatever it is tasked to do.

The ISI's only overt face is its Director-General (the DG ISI) - always a serving Lieutenant General from the Pakistan Army. He oversees around a dozen divisions, of whose functions, responsibilities, capabilities and locations nothing is known.

It is this lack of any knowledge about the ISI's functions and capabilities that gives it an edge. The ISI has always been unpredictable in what it has done. A significant measure to ensure this unpredictability is to make sure that no DG ISI serves for more than 3 years.

And the ISI has not failed in preventing attacks on it's own country. It is largely due to the ISI's highly accurate targeting information that the armed forces' Intelligence-Bases Operations (IBOs) secured huge gains in such a short time and reduced terrorist activity and presence by more than 50%.

Now, I can write in details why it has acquired the status of “World’s best Intel agency”, “Most Dangerous Intel Agency” or simply “World’s Number One Intel Agency” but I won’t.. for certain reasons but I’d give you a feel of exactly why and how it’s world number one.

  • Orchestrating War theater in Afghanistan in 80s - USSR was destroyed.
  • Since 2000, NATO and, at least, 30 (total) and around 8–9 most lethal intelligence agencies joined together in Afghanistan under the pretext of war on terror with a covert mission to destabilize or redesign Pakistan before their next step of chaos in Middle East through their proxies AlQaeda and ISIS. Pakistan was the real target and India, for once, seriously thought to capitalize on this golden chance thinking that Pakistan has no chance to stand any more.
  • Pakistan not only stood tall and firm - head strong - but repelled all in the 14 years of most fierce and costly 4th generation war in the history of mankind. The fight was 1 Vs. 30 i.e. ISI vs. Global Allied Intelligentsia
  • Alhamdolillah - we won. They moved on to middle east.

Inter-Services Intelligence is inept yet considered the “best” rogue agency nationally and internationally. Anti-India activities is its primary focus but the resulting fallout has made Pakistan a global pariah. It is responsible for terrorism, espionage and murder throughout the world including Pakistanis in Pakistan. These are the ten best reasons why ISI is inept and rogue.

ISI or Inter-Services Intelligence is best known for perpetrating the 26/11 2008 Mumbai attacks.
In recent times, ISI is best known for not knowing Osama Bin Laden was living under its nose in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Conversely, ISI is also best known for hiding Osama Bin Laden but not knowing about the US attack and killing of the world’s best-known terrorist.
  • ISI is also best known for training militants and supporting terrorists to infiltrate into Afghanistan and India. The UN has sanctioned these groups and designated them as terrorist organizations; for example, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hizbul Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Haqqani network and others.
  • ISI is best known for the incubation and the birth of Taliban. The Taliban, supported by ISI, took over Afghanistan in 1994.
  • The ISI is best known for causing the loss of half of Pakistan’s territory. In conjunction with Jamaat-e-Islami, ISI formed the first Al-Badr who with the Pakistan Military massacred millions of East Pakistanis. East Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971.
  • ISI is best known for spying, torturing and killing its own countrymen. Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad, according to Amnesty International, was threatened, beaten up and finally killed by the ISI. ISI operative Mohammed Tasleem, an attache in the New York consulate, issued threats against Pakistanis living in the United States, to prevent them from speaking openly about Pakistan's government.
  • ISI is best known for using Inter-Services Public Relations as a propaganda tool undermining the Pakistan civilian government and democracy in the country.
  • Chinese national and ISI agent Xun Wang was accused of conspiring to exporting and re-exporting specially designed, high-performance epoxy coatings to the Chashma 2 Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan.
  • ISI operates as a state within a state. It is accountable to no one within Pakistan. People disappear and terrorists are created to do its dirty job. Thanks the ISI, Pakistan has become a world-class terrorist haven today!

All agencies fail — sometimes they are compromised, inflitrated, blindsided, poorly managed or sometimes they simply lose the foresight or the cautiousness. The ISI is not immune to this.

(Urdu: ثقافتِ پاکستان‬‎ S̱aqāfat-e-Pākistān) comprises numerous ethnic groups: the Punjabis, Saraikis, Pothwaris, Kashmiris, Sindhis, Muhajirs in east, Makrani in the south; Baloch, Hazaras and Pashtuns in the west; and the Dards, Wakhi, Baltis, Shinaki and Burusho communities in the north. The culture of these Pakistani ethnic groups have been greatly influenced by many of its neighbours, such as the other South Asians, Turkic peoples as well as the peoples of Central Asia and West Asia.

The region has formed a distinct unit within the main geographical complex of South Asia, West Asia the Middle East and Central Asia from the earliest times, and is analogous to the position of Afghanistan. There are differences among the ethnic groups in cultural aspects such as dress, food, and religion, especially where pre-Islamic customs differ from Islamic practices. Their cultural origins also reveal influences from far afield, including China, India and Afghanistan. Pakistan was the first region of South Asia to be fully impacted by Islam and has thus developed a distinct Islamic identity, historically different from areas further east.

Pakistani literature originates from when Pakistan gained its independence as a sovereign state in 1947. The common and shared tradition of Urdu literature and English literature of Greater India was inherited by the new state. Over a period of time, a body of literature unique to Pakistan emerged, written in nearly all major Pakistani languages, including Urdu, English, Punjabi, Pashto, Seraiki, Baloch, and Sindhi.

Poetry is a highly respected art and profession in Pakistan. The pre-eminent form of poetry in Pakistan almost always originates in Persian, due in part to the long-standing affiliation and heavy admiration the region's rulers once had for certain aspects of foreign Persian culture. The enthusiasm for poetry exists at a regional level as well, with nearly all of Pakistan's provincial languages continuing the legacy. Since the independence of the country in 1947 and establishment of Urdu as the national language, poetry is written in that language as well. The Urdu language has a rich tradition of poetry and includes the famous poets Muhammad Iqbal (national poet), Mir Taqi Mir, Ghalib, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Ahmad Faraz, Habib Jalib, Jazib Qureshi, and Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi. Apart from Urdu poetry, Pakistani poetry also has blends of other regional languages. Balochi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Seraiki, and Pashto poetry have all incorporated and influenced Pakistani poetry.

Performing arts

The variety of Pakistani music ranges from diverse provincial folk music and traditional styles such as Qawwali and Ghazal Gayaki to modern forms fusing traditional and Western music, such as the synchronisation of Qawwali and Western music by the world-renowned Sabri Brothers and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. In addition, Pakistan is home to many famous folk singers such as the late Alam Lohar, who is also well known in Indian Punjab. The arrival of Afghan refugees in the western provinces has rekindled Dari music and established Peshawar as a hub for Afghan musicians and a distribution center for Afghani music abroad.

Kathak -the classical dance that developed in the royal courts of the Mughals.

Folk dances are still popular in Pakistan and vary according to the region such as:


  • Bhangra - Punjab
  • Luddi - Punjab
  • Sammi - Punjab
  • Jhumar - Saraiki, and Balochi folk dance


  • Lewa - Baluch folk dance from Makran region
  • Chap - Baluch folk dance performed at weddings
  • Jhumar - Saraiki, and Balochi folk dance

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  • Attan - Folk dance of Pashtuns tribes of Pakistan including the unique styles of Quetta and Waziristan
  • Khattak Dance - sword dance of Khattak tribe in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
  • Jhumar and Gatka - Popular dance of hazara division Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
  • Chitrali Dance - Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
  • Kumbar - folk dance of Hazara


  • Dhammal - Performed at Sufi shrines/ dargahs in Punjab and Sindh
  • Ho Jamalo - Sindhi dance
  • Jhumro
Drama and theatre

These are very similar to stage plays in theatres. They are performed by well-known actors and actresses in the Lollywood industry. The dramas and plays often deal with themes from everyday life, often with a humorous touch.

Visual arts
Abdul Rehman Chughtai, Sughra Rababi, Ustad Allah Baksh, Aboo B. Rana, Ajaz Anwar, Ismail Gulgee, Jamil Naqsh, and Sadequain are prominent and outstanding creative painters of Pakistan. Pakistani vehicle art is a popular folk art.


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